As is so often the case, education largely has been left out of the spotlight in this year’s presidential election. But many of the topics candidates — and voters — are talking about directly affect and involve schools and colleges. The Hechinger Report has covered many of the key election issues, including abortion, the economy […]

Sarah Butrymowicz
Sarah Butrymowicz oversees and contributes to The Hechinger Report’s investigative and data work covering all levels of education, from early childhood to K-12 to higher education. She has worked at Hechinger since 2010 and, in that time, her work has appeared in dozens of news outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and USA TODAY. Butrymowicz has won several journalism awards, including the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award for investigative reporting and two Front Page awards from the Newswomen’s Club of New York. She received a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University and a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.