Jo Boaler is a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education with a devoted following of teachers who cheer her call to make math education more exciting. But despite all her fans, she has sparked controversy at nearly every stage of her career. Critics say she misrepresents research to make her case and her ideas actually impede students. Now, with a new book coming out in May, provocatively titled “MATH-ish,” Boaler is fighting back.

“This is a whole effort to shut me down, my research and my writing,” said Boaler. “I see it as a form of knowledge suppression.”
Academic fights usually don’t make it beyond the ivory tower. But Boaler’s popularity and influence have made her a focal point in the current math wars, which also seem to reflect the broader culture wars. In the last few months, tabloids and conservative publications have turned Boaler into something of an education villain who’s captured the attention of Elon Musk and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on social media. Critics have even questioned Boaler’s association with a former reality TV star.
“I am the next target,” Boaler said, describing the death threats and abusive email she’s been receiving.
This controversy matters on a much larger level because there is a legitimate debate about how math should be taught in American schools. Cognitive science research suggests that students need a lot of practice and memorization to master math. And once students achieve success through practice, this success will motivate them to learn and enjoy math. In other words, success increases motivation at least as much as motivation produces success.
Yet, from Boaler’s perspective, too many students feel like failures in math class and hate the subject. That leaves us with millions of Americans who are innumerate. Nearly 2 out of every 5 eighth graders don’t even have the most basic math skills, according to the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). On the international Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), American 15-year-olds rank toward the bottom of economically advanced nations in math achievement.
Boaler draws upon a different body of research about student motivation that looks at the root causes of why students don’t like math based on surveys and interviews. Students who are tracked into low-level classes feel discouraged. Struggling math students often describe feelings of anxiety from timed tests. Many students express frustration that math is just a collection of meaningless procedures.
Boaler seeks to fix these root causes. She advocates for ending tracking by ability in math classes, getting rid of timed tests and starting with conceptual understanding before introducing procedures. Most importantly, she wants to elevate the work that students tackle in math classes with more interesting questions that spark genuine curiosity and encourage students to think and wonder. Her goal is to expose students to the beauty of mathematical thinking as mathematicians enjoy the subject. Whether students actually learn more math the Boaler way is where this dispute centers. In other words, how strong is the evidence base?
The latest battle over Boaler’s work began with an anonymous complaint published in March by the Washington Free Beacon, the same conservative website that first surfaced plagiarism accusations against Claudine Gay, the former president of Harvard University. The complaint accuses Boaler of a “reckless disregard for accuracy” by misrepresenting research citations 52 times and asks Stanford to discipline Boaler, a full professor with an endowed chair. Stanford has said it’s reviewing the complaint and hasn’t decided whether to open an investigation, according to news reports. Boaler stands by her research (other than one citation that she says has been fixed) and calls the anonymous complaint “bogus.” (UPDATE: The Hechinger Report learned after this article was published that Stanford has decided not to open an investigation.)
“They haven’t even got the courage to put their name on accusations like this,” Boaler said. “That tells us something.”
Boaler first drew fire from critics in 2005, when she presented new research claiming that students at a low-income school who were behind grade level had outperformed students at higher-achieving schools when they were taught in classrooms that combined students of different math achievement levels. The supposed secret sauce was an unusual curriculum that emphasized group work and de-emphasized lectures. Critics disparaged the findings and hounded her to release her data. Math professors at Stanford and Cal State University re-crunched the numbers and declared they’d found the opposite result.
Boaler, who is originally from England, retreated to an academic post back in the U.K., but returned to Stanford in 2010 with a fighting spirit. She had written a book, “What’s Math Got to Do with It?: How Parents and Teachers Can Help Children Learn to Love Their Least Favorite Subject,” which explained to a general audience why challenging, open-ended problems would help more children to embrace math and how the current approach of boring drills and formulas was turning too many kids off. Teachers loved it.
Boaler accused her earlier critics of academic bullying and harassment. But she didn’t address their legitimate research questions. Instead, she focused on changing classrooms. Tens of thousands of teachers and parents flocked to her 2013 online course on how to teach math. Building on this new fan base, she founded a nonprofit organization at Stanford called youcubed to train teachers, conduct research and spread her gospel. Boaler says a half million teachers now visit youcubed’s website each month.
Boaler also saw math as a lever to promote social justice. She lamented that too many low-income Black and Hispanic children were stuck in discouraging, low-level math classes. She advocated for change. In 2014, San Francisco heeded that call, mixing different achievement levels in middle school classrooms and delaying algebra until ninth grade. Parents, especially in the city’s large Asian community, protested that delaying algebra was holding their children back. Without starting algebra in middle school, it was difficult to progress to high school calculus, an important course for college applications. Parents blamed Boaler, who applauded San Francisco for getting math right. Ten years later, the city is slated to reinstate algebra for eighth graders this fall. Boaler denies any involvement in the unpopular San Francisco reforms.
Before that math experiment unraveled in San Francisco, California education policymakers tapped Boaler to be one of the lead writers of a new math framework, which would guide math instruction throughout the state. The first draft discouraged tracking children into separate math classes by achievement levels, and proposed delaying algebra until high school. It emphasized “social justice” and suggested that students could take data science instead of advanced algebra in high school. Traditional math proponents worried that the document would water down math instruction in California, hinder advanced students and make it harder to pursue STEM careers. And they were concerned that California’s proposed reforms could spread across the nation.
In the battle to quash the framework, critics attacked Boaler for trying to institute “woke” mathematics. The battle became personal, with some criticizing her for taking $5,000-an-hour consulting and speaking fees at public schools while sending her own children to private school.
Critics also dug into the weeds of the framework document, which is how this also became a research story. A Stanford mathematics professor catalogued a list of what he saw as research misrepresentations. Those citations, together with additional characterizations of research findings throughout Boaler’s writings, eventually grew into the anonymous complaint that’s now at Stanford.
By the time the most recent complaint against Boaler was lodged, the framework had already been revised in substantial ways. Boaler’s critics had arguably won their main policy battles. College-bound students still need the traditional course sequence and cannot substitute data science for advanced algebra. California’s middle schools will continue to have the option to track children into separate classes and start algebra in eighth grade.
But the attacks on Boaler continue. In addition to seeking sanctions from Stanford, her anonymous critics have asked academic journals to pull down her papers, according to Boaler. They’ve written to conference organizers to stop Boaler from speaking and, she says, they’ve told her funders to stop giving money to her. At least one, the Valhalla Foundation, the family foundation of billionaire Scott Cook (co-founder of the software giant Intuit), stopped funding youcubed in 2024. In 2022 and 2023, it gave Boaler’s organization more than $560,000.
Boaler sees the continued salvos against her as part of the larger right-wing attack on diversity, equity and inclusion or DEI. She also sees a misogynistic pattern of taking down women who have power in education, such as Claudine Gay. “You’re basically hung, drawn and quartered by the court of Twitter,” she said.
From my perch as a journalist who covers education research, I see that Boaler has a tendency to overstate the implications of a narrow study. Sometimes she cites a theory that’s been written about in an academic journal but hasn’t been proven and labels it research. While technically true – most academic writing falls under the broad category of research – that’s not the same as evidence from a well-designed classroom experiment. And she tends not to factor in evidence that runs counter to her views or adjust her views as new studies arise. Some of her numerical claims seem grandiose. For example, she says one of her 18-lesson summer courses raised achievement by 2.8 years.
“People have raised questions for a long time about the rigor and the care in which Jo makes claims related to both her own research and others,” said Jon Star, a professor of math education at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
But Star says many other education researchers have done exactly the same, and the “liberties” Boaler takes are common in the field. “That’s not to suggest that taking these liberties is okay,” Star said, “but she is being called out for it.”
Boaler is getting more scrutiny than her colleagues, he said, because she’s influential, has a large following of devoted teachers and has been involved in policy changes at schools. Many other scholars of math education share Boaler’s views. But Boaler has become the public face of nontraditional teaching ideas in math. And in today’s polarized political climate, that’s a dangerous public face to be.
The citation controversy reflects bigger issues with the state of education research. It’s often not as precise as the hard sciences or even social sciences like economics. Academic experts are prone to make wide, sweeping statements. And there are too few studies in real classrooms or randomized controlled trials that could settle some of the big debates. Star argues that more replication studies could improve the quality of evidence for math instruction. We can’t know which teaching methods are most effective unless the method can be reproduced in different settings with different students.

It’s also possible that more research may never settle these big math debates and we may continue to generate conflicting evidence. There’s the real possibility that traditional methods could be more effective for short-term achievement gains, while nontraditional methods might attract more students to the subject, and potentially lead to more creative problem-solvers in the future.
Even if Boaler is loose with the details of research studies, she could still be right about the big picture. Maybe advanced students would be better off slowing down on the current racetrack to calculus to learn math with more depth and breadth. Her fun hands-on approach to math might spark just enough motivation to inspire more kids to do their homework. Might we trade off a bit of short-term math achievement for a greater good of a numerate, civic society?
In her new book, “MATH-ish,” Boaler is doubling down on her approach to math with a title that seems to encourage inexactitude. She argues that approaching a problem in a “math-ish” way gives students the freedom to take a guess and make mistakes, to step back and think rather than jumping to numerical calculations. Boaler says she’s hearing from teachers that “ish” is far more fun than making estimates.
“I’m hoping this book is going to be my salvation,” she said, “that I have something exciting to do and focus on and not focus on the thousands of abusive messages I’m getting.”
This story about Jo Boaler was written by Jill Barshay and produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for the Proof Points newsletter.
Dear Ms. Barshay.
Please devote another column explaining what type of teaching Professor Boaler is advocating. How is her program different from “traditional mathematics education?” What do her classrooms and lessons look like? What happens in classrooms that follow Boaler’s program? What do math teachers who follow Boaler’s program do in the classroom?
Thank you for your research and columns.
This pretty much sums it up for me (and the irony is Sanford is now backing her): “ Math professors at Stanford and Cal State University re-crunched the numbers and declared they’d found the opposite result.” I have found that if students don’t know their multiplication math facts by 4th grade, everything in math afterward (fractions specifically) become a huge hurdle. I taught math facts on an ipad about 10 years ago and had an 18 year old learn most of her math facts in about 4 months. She didn’t have to go that long to learn them. And she was extremely eager. It’s sad what our school system in Oregon has gone to (new math).
This denial by Dr. Boaler in reference to San Francisco is left unchallenged:
“Boaler denies any involvement in the unpopular San Francisco reforms.”
There is *video* from a Feb 2014 BoE meeting right before they vote to delay Algebra I. She is credited *by name* by the official district representative as “contributed to this work”.
It is not parents. It is official district business.
Dear Ms. Barshay, Thank you for the article. I would like to refer to an old article (2018) from Hechinger — https://hechingerreport.org/opinion-how-one-city-got-math-right/. One of the co-authors of the article is Dr. Boaler herself. I am quoting what it says, “San Francisco Unified did something unusual — it studied the research that shows the ineffectiveness of tracking and shallow curricula, and made bold decisions based on knowledge of the relevant research.” Unfortunately, today, six years since then, we now know San Francisco’s decision “backfired” as more students “failed” to achieve grade appropriate math competency due to de-tracking. SFUSD recently reversed its decision. It’s quite possible that Dr. Boaler’s pedagogical solutions work really well in early grades (up to third grade) but are not relevant for high school years. On some public forums, Dr. Boaler wants to alienate herself from the San Francisco de-tracking mess, which she has commended extensively before. Isn’t it possible that she got the research that led to this de-tracking wrong? Disagreements are common in academia and should not be labeled “abuses.”
I attended an innovative teacher conference years ago and heard Jo Boaler speak. Her ideas sounded great. She was the sparkly new thing typical of education gurus who speak about their “new way of teaching” without much data to back it up. I was immediately skeptical once I saw how her philosophy was implemented in the classroom. When my three boys were in elementary school, I saw how her changes impacted math education. Her philosophy completely dumbs down math education. Kids who are good at math and fast learners should be able to go at a faster pace. Trying to make kids who are more advanced in math teach math to students who struggle might sound good in theory but not in practice. Jo Boaler is being called out because she is harmful AND on the California Math Framework Committee. She has too much influence and uses the Stanford name to further her ideology. Jo Boaler is just another Lucy Calkins. She needs to stop making excuses and calling her critics “right-wing” (not many of those in SF). Just look at CA math test scores to know how her ideas do in practice.
“Cognitive science research suggests that students need a lot of practice and memorization to master math.” This seems a bit vague—are there articles that could be cited? Perhaps it’s intended as a reference to learning “math facts,” that is, sums and products of single-digit numbers. There’s widespread agreement that students need to know these from memory.
Here are some examples.
From the president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, March 2023:
“Do I want my students to have the basic facts memorized? Yes, and most teachers probably agree because it allows students’ working memories to be free to focus on new concepts. Do I want my students to learn those basic facts through memorization? No!”
From a group of mathematicians and mathematics education researchers, October, 2005:
“fluency requires automatic recall of basic number facts: by basic number facts we mean addition and multiplication combinations of integers 0 through 10.”
From an article on Version 2 of the framework, Fall 2023:
“Fluency in mathematics usually refers to students’ ability to perform calculations quickly and accurately. The Common Core mathematics standards call for students to know addition and multiplication facts “from memory,” and the California math standards expect the same.”
You just need to take a look at the fractions section of this so called math book. If she can’t even properly multiply fractions, who is she to tell others how to teach mathematics? She is a fraud, period.
I think Dr. Boaler’s work demonstrates the value of educational options for parents to ensure their student receives a quality education. I would encourage all parents to consider a charter school or home school option because people like the good Dr. Boaler will ruin those years for the and they will be behind educationally and need to work harder to catch up.