“When I decided to drop out of Columbia, nobody tried to stop me,” author Paul Tough says. “Columbia did not feel like it was their job to give me other options in life.” It was December 1985, the end of his first semester of college. The 18-year-old Canadian decided to return north and continue his […]

Justin Snider
Justin Snider is a contributing editor at The Hechinger Report. He is an assistant dean at Columbia University, where he also teaches undergraduate writing. Previously, Snider taught high-school English and advised student publications in the United States, Europe and Asia. A California native, he holds degrees from Amherst College, the University of Chicago, the University of Vienna, Harvard University and Columbia University. Snider's fanatical devotion to the written word generally and to English grammar specifically can be traced to the worst grade of his life -- a check-minus -- on his report card in second-grade Language Arts, taught by his own mother.