DETROIT — Taking a trip down memory lane from the sidewalk in front of Western International High School, former civics teacher Keith Johnson shared the school’s ghost story, a tall tale about a child who died in a 1935 fire there. Having taught at the school decades ago, Johnson wanted to stop by his “educational […]

Levi Pulkkinen
Levi Pulkkinen is an independent journalist based in Seattle. His work has appeared in The Guardian, U.S. News & World Report and a host of regional publications, including The San Francisco Chronicle, Crosscut and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, where he served as senior editor. His work has received top regional honors in most news reporting categories considered by the Society of Professional Journalists. A product of Washington's public schools and Western Washington University, Pulkkinen grew up surrounded by educators; his mother helped students as a school social worker while his father, a union organizer by training, represented teachers and paraeducators at the bargaining table.